Here are the questions I asked and the answer ChatGPT gave me, with translations into English. I rated the answers on a scale of 1-10 out of 10 possible points.
I have a Bachelors in Japanese and I’ve lived in Japan on and off since 1990, so I feel qualified to do my own (albeit unscientific) rating of ChatGPT’s Japanese ability. I used the free version of ChatGPT available on April 23, 2023.
English: Do you understand Japanese?
ChatGPT: はい、日本語できます。どうぞお尋ねください。
English: Yes, I can speak Japanese. Please ask me something.
Me: ChatGPTはどんなものですか?
English: What is ChatGPT?
ChatGPT: ChatGPTは、OpenAIによって訓練された大規模な言語モデルです。GPT(Generative Pre-trained Transformer)と呼ばれるトランスフォーマーというアルゴリズムを用いており、数十億のパラメータを持ち、自然言語処理のタスクにおいて高い精度を発揮します。
English: ChatGPT is a large language model trained by OpenAI. It uses an algorithm called Transformer called GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer), which has billions of parameters and exhibits high accuracy in natural language processing tasks.
ChatGPT can read sentences, answer questions, and generate sentences. It also supports multiple languages, including English, and can perform advanced processing on a wide variety of texts.
NOTE: There was a redundancy in the explanation of ChatGPT (see italics). I was surprised at this.
Me: YouTubeごぞんじですか?
English: Are you familiar with YouTube?
ChatGPT: はい、YouTubeは世界最大の動画共有プラットフォームの一つです。2005年に設立され、ユーザーがアップロードした動画を視聴することができます。YouTubeには、様々なジャンルの動画があり、音楽、映画、テレビ番組、ゲーム、教育など、幅広いコンテンツが提供されています。また、YouTubeは世界中で人気があり、多くの人々が日常的に利用しています。
English: Yes, YouTube is one of the world's largest video sharing platforms. Founded in 2005, you can watch videos uploaded by users. YouTube has videos of various genres and offers a wide range of content, including music, movies, TV shows, games, and education. Also, YouTube is popular all over the world and many people use it on a daily basis.
Me: 日本人で一番有名なYouTuberは誰ですか?
English: Who is the most popular YouTuber in Japan?
ChatGPT: 日本で最も有名なYouTuberの1人は、ヒカキンさん(Hikakin)です。彼は、ビートボックス、音楽、ゲーム、おもちゃなどのコンテンツを提供しており、チャンネル登録者数は数千万人に達しています。また、他にも多くの有名な日本のYouTuberがいます。たとえば、はじめしゃちょーさん(Hajime)、キズナアイさん(Kizuna AI)、ラファエルさん(Raphael)などが挙げられます。
English: One of Japan's most famous YouTubers is Hikakin. His content includes beatboxing, music, games and toys, and has tens of millions of subscribers. Also, there are many other famous Japanese YouTubers. For example, Hajime, Kizuna AI, and Raphael.
NOTE: I asked for THE most popular Japanese YouTuber, and ChatGPT gave me 4 names. Thus, the score of 8/10.
Me: MrBeastご存知ですか?
English: Do you know MrBeast?
ChatGPT: はい、MrBeastは、アメリカのYouTuberで、実験、チャレンジ、社会実験、チャリティーなど、様々なコンテンツを提供していることで知られています。彼は、視聴者に多額の賞金を贈るチャレンジを行ったり、動画で慈善活動を行ったりすることでも有名です。彼のチャンネルは非常に人気があり、数千万人以上の登録者がいます。
English: Yes, MrBeast is an American YouTuber known for providing various contents such as experiments, challenges, social experiments, and charity. He's also known for challenging his viewers to win big prizes and doing charity work with his videos. His channel is very popular and has over tens of millions of subscribers.
NOTE: ChatGPT’s research is limited to the year 2021, and MrBeast has become even more popular in recent years, so I understand why this answer is so basic. But there was nothing amazing about this answer, so I gave it 7/10.
Me: ChatGPT は世界を席巻しますか?
English: Will ChatGPT take over the world?
ChatGPT: ChatGPTは、自然言語処理の分野において、非常に高い精度を発揮することができるため、今後ますます広く利用されることが予想されます。ただし、他の技術と同様に、ChatGPTにも限界があり、完璧ではありません。また、ChatGPTは人工知能技術の一部であるため、適切な使用方法が重要であり、誤った使用方法は深刻な問題を引き起こす可能性があるため、慎重な使用が求められます。
English: ChatGPT is expected to be used more and more widely in the future because it can demonstrate extremely high accuracy in the field of natural language processing. However, like any technology, ChatGPT has limitations and is not perfect. Also, since ChatGPT is part of artificial intelligence technology, proper usage is important and incorrect usage can cause serious problems, so please use it carefully.
Whether or not ChatGPT will take the world by storm will depend on future technological developments and market demand. However, ChatGPT is currently one of the most advanced technologies in the field of natural language processing, and there is no doubt that many companies and researchers are interested in it.
SUMMARY: ChatGPT is very useful as a language learning tool. Since English is my first language, I sometimes have difficulty coming up with the correct way to say something in Japanese, even though I know the vocabulary. Grammar and nuance are completely different in Japanese. Even if it’s not necessary to learn a foreign language in today’s world, I’ll still strive to get better. And I’ll use ChatGPT to help me make my Japanese more natural.
Finally, you can try ChatGPT here: